Thursday, December 31, 2009

Random Dozen

1. Do you find it gross to share drinks with family? Friends?
I have never and probably will never share an entire drink with someone, but if I'm thirsty and Jason has a drink it doesn't bother me to take a sip. I have shared with my mom too. I have never shared drinks with friends like in high school or college.

2. What have you learned this year?
I have learned that people change a lot once they aren't in the high school setting. Also, I learned that the first year of marriage really is hard.

3. When do you dismantle the Christmas decorations?
This is my first having my own stuff to take down. I'm not sure when I will eventually take our little fiber optic tree down and I'm so in love with my ornament wreath that I never want to take it down, but eventually I will.

4. Something you wish to accomplish before the end of 2009 is:
Well seeing as there is only 25 minutes left in the year I don't think I can do anything.

5. How do you feel about winter (after Christmas)?
It's never too terrible here so it never really bothers me. I really HATE the super HOT summers!

6. Have you participated in after-Christmas sales?
I did go this year on the day after and but a few things

7. Do you have plans for New Year's Eve?
I'm sitting here on our couch...not fun.

8. Is there anything special awaiting you in January?
Hopefully an awesome job for Jason or I either one.

9. If your life this year was a movie, what category or genre would it be? (Romance, Comedy, Drama, Thriller, Suspense, Farcical, etc.)
I have no idea. There were amazing times including Hannah growing up and mine and Jason's relationship and there were terrible times. I guess that's drama lol!

10. How much time per day do you spend blogging? Please do not lie. I will know.
Hardly any at all.

11. Who runs your household?
We are still trying to find our happy I said the first year is hard.

12. Share one hope/dream for 2010.
Happiness and success....simple but yet so hard to achieve