Sunday, December 6, 2009

Slow, fun day...

EDIT: I just found my first blog comment from Jenna. Thank you for checking my blog out!

Sundays are always slow, fun days. It's the only day of the week that is always the exact same. Hannah and I head out to church in the morning and after church we go to my parents' house. My Mama cooks lunch EVERY sunday so we head over there for lunch and then it's back to church at night. Usually Hannah catches a nap at one point or another. Hannah wore the cutest outfit to church this morning. It was so funny that I (the Auburn fan) grabbed the ONLY houndstooth dress in this house for her to wear on the day after Bama wins the SEC Championship.....probably should have thought that through a little better!

This little girl brings so much joy into our lives! She has so much personality!


Heather said...

Love the dress of course =)
*Roll Tide*