Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve

Oh my goodness I can't believe it's Christmas Eve! I'm so excited about opening presents with Hannah in the morning. I just finished stuffing her stocking even though I can still hear her rolling around in the bed because she doesn't want to go to sleep. I think she senses that something is different about tonight because usually she is asleep before I can get out of the room.

I'm also excited about Christmas at my parents' house tomorrow. I have no clue what me or Hannah is getting and I'm just excited! I know exactly what Jason is getting because I did the shopping for my mom. :-)

We had Christmas with Jason's mom's family today around lunch. It was fun. They all loved seeing Hannah. She has changed so much in the past 2 months. (The last time most saw her was at our wedding.) I was so proud of her for being a big girl and walking around talking to everybody. I was kind of afraid that she would cling to me the whole time which she did for about 30 minutes but after that she had to get down and check the place out.

Can't wait to post pictures from tomorrow.