Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Random Dozen

I don't really have anything to blog about right now so I thought this would be fun to do.

1. Gingerbread: For or against? Discuss. I don't think I've ever actually ate Gingerbread.

2. Is it important to you to always stay (live) close to family? Yes! I love always having a babysitter close by!

3. Which holiday pretend character do you wish really existed? Santa!

4. Which holiday movie best represents how you feel about Christmas or life? I'm not a big fan of Christmas movies so I don't know.

5. Is there a particular Christmas song that you're enjoying now? Any that you're tired of? I like songs that catch the interest of my 14 month old like the Chipmunk song. It came on the radio the other day and she just danced and clapped away in her carseat.

6. What is your favorite way to remember those less fortunate at Christmastime? I LOVE buying and giving to other people. A few years ago I had the chance to take the money a charity had been given and buy all the gifts for certain children. I got to pick the kid and they had a list of toys, sizes, and interests. That was the most fun!

7. Does it upset you to see "Xmas" instead of Christmas? How about "Happy Holidays" etc., instead of "Merry Christmas?" No it doesn't. I say Merry Christmas but I'm not against typing xmas or buying products that say Happy Holidays.

8. How many Christmas programs are you attending this month? None

9. Are you dreaming of a white Christmas? Any chance of that dream becoming a reality? No I'm not.

10. Tell me about a Christmas present you received as a child. Pics are always nice. My brother and I always received our share of gifts at Christmas but the gift that I always think about when asked this question is a table and chair set my parents gave me one year. I think it was a Fisher Price brand and it was WAY better quality than anything you can get now days. That table was probably used more than anything I was ever given as a child.

11. How many Christmas parties are you attending this month? One actual party. But I have a few family gatherings.

12. How do you keep yourself centered on the significance of Christmas? Focusing on family