Wednesday, December 9, 2009

It's Been One of Those Days!

Good grief! That's all I can say about today!

Hannah and I headed out around 11am to do some Christmas shopping. I absolutely love shopping with Hannah. It's getting harder to do now that she can walk and grab stuff but it's still fun. I made my stop for gas and we headed out. There was a crazy storm here last night so I was looking at all of the water.
This was water on both sides of the road...yesterday those were empty fields! (No I did not take this while driving 50mph! We were stopped.)

Our first stop was Wendy's for a quick pick-me-up then we headed into Target. I found some awesome gifts! After Target we headed to Ross. I always prefer to use the stroller in Ross rather than buggies so I was getting the stroller out of the trunk when a lady got in the car next to mine to leave. Of course I still had to drag Hannah out on that side of the car so I started rushing myself (which I will never do again b/c it won't kill that person to wait an extra 3 minutes). In the middle of rushing I pushed the lock button, threw my keys in my bag, grabbed Hannah, closed the door, and put her in the stroller. I reached for my phone only to realize it was in my bag.......IN THE CAR! I locked absolutely everything I had with me in the car: Hannah's diapers, wipes, snack, sippy cup, my phone, wallet, and KEYS! I was dumbfounded. I've locked my keys in my car MANY times but A.) I always had my phone and B.) I was always decently close to home. NOT TODAY! I proceeded into Ross only to be told their phones didn't call out. Thankfully a lady in line heard me and offered to let me use her phone. Poor Jason didn't know what to think when I told him I had locked my stuff in the car IN HUNTSVILLE! Thankfully he jumped up and came to mine and Hannah's rescue. It just wasn't the best day ever.